Monday, November 10, 2008

my article which I read  today is When Duty Calls:The Value of Voting, Beyond Politics. In recent years psychologist and neuroscientists have tried to get a handle on how people make voting decisions. They have taken brain scans, to see how certain messages or images activate emotion centers. The study and others imply that there is a core of voters who not only turn out at polls but also cast their ballot for the candidate or proposal they believe represents the large good.
In my opinion, people are affected by many elements. From their voting, we can learn their psychological activities.


nguyen said...

i do agree that we can learn about human decision process by analyzing their voting. However, human brains are really complicated and also the voting decisions not only depend on what you think but also are affected by what you feel.

Renay said...

hi yuchen,

You found a unique article that is related to health...
Human's brain is the most complex part in our body. Scientists still do the research that are related to our brain every day, because they want to know more about our brain. Voting is a way to show how people's brain work, and the election is another hot topic in recent days because of Obama.
