Monday, October 27, 2008


Now election  is not only  the hot topic in the USA but also in the whole world.I don't think the electing process are familiar to all of us. Electing A President In Plain English is a good way to learn about it. 
From that video,I know that people who are 18 years old can have the right to vote the president in America every 4 years. The state in which a candidate who get the most votes will become the state of that candidate. But they don't elect the president according to the account of the support state in order to keep equality because of limited element such as the amount of people. They divide the state into several districts according the account of population. They count up  the votes according the districts. They elect the candidate who get the most votes from the districts and 2 senators in each state and the first get  the half votes as president. 

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